At the 2013 Rencontre the names of the first winners of the IAA Prize and of the De Gruyter Dissertation Award were announced (see the Minutes of the meeting). Both competitions have turned out to be very successful, with many young scholars submitting their work for consideration.
We remind you that in 2014 both awards are available again. So if you have been working hard and think you deserve to win, do not hesitate to send in your articles and dissertations! Below you will find all of the information about the awards and about how to enter the contests.
And don’t forget, the deadlines are MARCH 1st!
IAA Prize:
The IAA awards a prize for the best first Assyriological article written after the Ph.D. Please observe the following rules and regulations:
1. The article should be available in one of the official RAI languages, French, German or English.
2. The article should be published or should have been accepted in final form for publication within the last two years and no more than five years after the Ph.D.
3. Applicants must be members of the IAA.
4. A person can apply only once. There is no age limit.
5. The winner receives €1,000, the runner-up will receive €250.
1. The committee will consist of three or four persons, one from the IAA Board and two or three from among the other members of the IAA.
2. The committee members will serve for three years, after which a new committee will be chosen.
Time table
1. Articles should be delivered as a PDF with embedded fonts to the IAA Office in Leiden no later than March 1. The office shall then forward them to the committee members before March 10.
2. The three or four members of the committee will evaluate the articles and make a preliminary ranking.
3. The committee will submit its selection report to the IAA Board no later than May 1.
4. During the following Rencontre the conclusions will be discussed at the Board meeting.
5. The prizes will be awarded during the general meeting.
Please send your article to:
International Association for Assyriology
c/o Prof. Dr. W.H. van Soldt
P.O. Box 9515
2300 RA Leiden
The Netherlands
De Gruyter Dissertaton Award
The IAA, in conjunction with De Gruyter Inc., will award an annual prize for the best Assyriological Ph.D. dissertation. Assyriology is understood in the widest sense and includes all (syllabic) cuneiform studies. The award program is established for three years, whereupon both parties will review the agreement. The submitted dissertations will be evaluated by a committee appointed by the governing board of the IAA; the committee will consist of three or four persons, one from the IAA Board and two or three from among the other members of the IAA; the results will be conveyed to the board, which will make the final decision. The committee members will serve three years terms, after which a new committee will be chosen.
Rules and regulations
1. Starting in 2013, De Gruyter will give the IAA annually €1,000 to be awarded to the writer of the best recent (last two calendar years) Ph.D. dissertation in Assyriology. To be eligible, the dissertation must have been completed and officially approved no more than two years before the application deadline.
2. De Gruyter will publish the award-winning dissertation after it has been revised into a publishable book manuscript upon acceptance by De Gruyter, at the sole discretion of De Gruyter.
3. An annual award ceremony will be organized at the Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale (RAI).
4. The dissertation award program is open to IAA and non-IAA members from any country. There is no age limit.
5. Submissions are accepted in all three official IAA/RAI languages (English, German, and French). Dissertations should be delivered in PDF form with embedded fonts to the IAA Office in Leiden no later than March 1. The office shall then forward them to committee members before March 10. The committee will evaluate the articles and make a preliminary ranking.
6. The committee will submit its selection report to the IAA Board no later than May 1. During the following Rencontre the conclusions will be discussed at the Board meeting, and the prize will be publicly awarded during the general meeting.
Please send the PDF of the manuscript to:
International Association for Assyriology c/o Prof. Dr. W.H. van Soldt
P.O. Box 9515
2300 RA Leiden
The Netherlands
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